KKK-A-1822 E
Color tolerance charts containing the color standards and tolerances for Ambulance Orange and
Ambulance Blue are available from the Department of Transportation, Research and Special
Programs Administration, https://hazmat.dot.gov/commsupp.htm
Treated exterior sheet metal of the ambulance body (except OEM Type II van) shall be ca-
pable of withstanding 250 hours of salt spray tested in accordance with ASTM B 117-64. The
specimen used for the salt spray test shall be run through all steps of the cleaning and treating
process, including priming. The primed specimen shall be scored from corner to corner using
a sharp knife. After the test, the specimen panels shall exhibit no failure and not more than 3
mm (1/8 in.) rust or blister creepage from the scored lines.
The material for the emblems and markings shall be applied using reflectorized material conforming
to Federal Specification L-S-300, Type I, Class 1 or 3 reflectivity 1. The reflective color used
shall be blue (color a) and white (color i) when applicable. The emblems and markings shall be
of the type, size, color, and location as follows:
A. Front markings
1. The word "AMBULANCE", mirror imaged, shall be in block, blue, die cut
style letters, not less than 10 cm (4 in.) high, centered above the grille, on the
orange or white background. The placement of the word ambulance on the
curved surface of the hood or on a flat plastic type bugscreen is permitted.
2. A "Star of Life" in 7.6 cm (3 in.), blue, die cut style, with a white border,
conforming to Figure 4 (size A) shall be located both to the right and left of the
B. Side and rear markings
1. The word "AMBULANCE" shall be in block, blue, die cut style letters of not
less than 15 cm (6 in.) in height, centered, with a white border, alongside or
under the "Star of Life" on each side and rear of the vehicle body.
2. A "Star of Life", not less than 40.6 cm (16 in.), in blue, die cut style, with a
white border, conforming to Figure 4 (size C), on the right and left side panels. A
"Star of Life" emblem, size B, shall be provided on each rear door.
3. All additional lettering and markings (required by the purchaser) should be
below the word "AMBULANCE", except the units abbreviated identification
lettering/number, which may be located on the uppermost white space of the
front, rear, and sides.
C. Top markings
A "Star of Life", of not less than 81 cm (32 in.) (size D) in blue, die cut style,
conforming to Figure 4 (may be without the white Staff of Aesculapius), shall be
provided on the ambulance rooftop.
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