KKK-A-1822 E
Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2-ccc) in the invitation for bids, contract, or orders, the
following are contractual requirements (see 6.4 through 6.6), except in those instances
where it is determined by the purchaser that inclusion thereof would not be to the best
interests of the Government or purchaser.
The contractor shall warrant the vehicle and furnished equipment against parts failure or
malfunction due to design, construction, or installation errors, defective workmanship,
and missing or incorrect parts (exceptions, see 6.4.4) for a minimum period of 12 months,
and 15 months for vehicles outside the contiguous (48) United States and District of
Columbia from date of acceptance*, or 12,000 miles of operation, exclusive of any
authorized accumulated driveway mileage, whichever occurs first. However, if the
contractor received from any supplier or subcontractor additional warranty on the whole
or any component of the vehicle, in the form of time and/or mileage, including any prorata
arrangements, or the contractor generally extends to his commercial customers a greater
or extended warranty coverage, the Government/purchaser shall receive corresponding
warranty benefits.
*The warranty begins when the Government/purchaser accepts the vehicle from the
contractor FOB point of origin/destination (see 3.19).
When vehicles are used within the 50 States of the United States, the District of Columbia,
Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, the warranty shall include the furnishing, without cost
to the Government/purchaser (FOB contractor's nearest dealer or branch to vehicle's
location or station) new parts and assemblies to replace any that failed or malfunctioned
within the warranty period. In addition, when the Government/purchaser elects to have
the work performed at the contractor's plant, branch, dealer, or with the contractor's
approval, (i) to correct the defect itself or (ii) to have it corrected by a commercial facility,
the cost of the labor involved in the replacement of the failed or malfunctioned parts or
assemblies shall be borne by the contractor.
Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2-ddd), when vehicles are used outside the 50 States,
the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, the warranty shall include
the furnishing of new parts or assemblies to replace any returned to the contractor which
failed or malfunctioned within the warranty period. The replacement parts or assemblies
shall be delivered by the contractor to the port of embarkation in the United States designated
by the purchaser. The contractor shall not be required to bear the cost of the labor involved
in correcting defects in vehicles operated in foreign countries.
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